The Art of War on Divorce: Real Couples, Real Stories
Aligning with their chart-topping War on Divorce: Sunday Morning Sex series, stories, and lessons from successful couples, Noble S. Evans & Dr. Kim Carter Evans outline lessons they have learned while going to war for their relationship and marriage. Noble & Kim, along with the contributing authors examine why some marriages triumph, while others crumble.
Marriage can be a fight for survival. It is God, you and your spouse against the world. In marriage, as in war, couples match their wills in pursuit of triumph over all opposing external forces. As couples, you must be intentional and devise
strategies, and marshal resources for victory in your marriage. Noble & Kim, affectionately known as “the Marriage Doctors” masterfully frame some of the biggest marital rivalries (extended family, infidelity, work obsession, generational curses, money management, childhood trauma, health scares, etc.) and offer insights and pragmatic advice to navigate each of these oppositions. Each rivalry examined tells a story of combined wits, real life lessons to go to war for your relationship and marriage and win the War on Divorce.
Noble & Kim are joined in this compilation by “real” couples who are winning not only everyday battles, but also winning the war on divorce through proven strategies. This compilation chronicles the battles these couples have gone through and have overcome in order to emerge victorious in their marriages. The powerful stories in The Art of War On Divorce are unveiling and insightful, but the lessons we draw from them about determination, ingenuity, patience, grit, subtlety, and other traits that contribute to a victorious marriage are invaluable.
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