The 8 Qualities of the EXCEPTIONAL Black Woman in Business and Entrepreneurship
In the world of business and entrepreneurship, women – especially those of color, are often made to feel powerless, voiceless, and invisible. Our success is slighted or attributed to luck as opposed to the hard work we’ve put in not only to play the game…but to CHANGE it. In The…
When The Shit Hits The Fan
Compiled By Annette Morris Divorce! Abuse! Trauma…we may not have shared experiences in common but the one thing we all have in common is that we have endured some serious trials and have triumphed over them all. In our triumph there’s been some lessons learned that each of us…
The Six Figure Goal GetHER: A Woman’s Guide to Passive Income From Their Passion
By Annette Morris “One stream of income can’t sustain an individual indefinitely. Neither can it sustain a business forever. The owner must diversify the revenue of the business in order to make it through all seasons.” Author Annette Morris pushes for new entrepreneurs to understand and appreciate this mantra. In…
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