Athletes aren’t limited to people who play sports. True athletes embrace a fit, athletic lifestyle, training to reach their fullest potential, adding precious years to their lives! In The Ageless Athlete: How to Stay Fit and Healthy at Any Age, certified wellness coach and trainer blondlocs, shares her astonishing transformation…

Growing up is hard enough, but as Leigh and her friends are about to discover, things get real when our bodies begin changing! Realizing that their classmates are just as confused about menstruation as they were before their families helped them understand what it’s all about, Leigh and her…

For many women, the introduction to menstrual cycles as a young teenager was met with pain, embarrassment and self-body shaming. Instead of serving as a rite of passage, many girls struggle physically and emotionally to push past the unavoidable life change, just to function from day to day. But did…

Don’t Give Up Too Soon: 10 Ways to Help You ReSET Your Energy, Mindset, Wellness & Tranquility, author, wellness coach and positive motivation trainer Tinesha Boswell, provides a powerful spiritual guide—proven to improve your mindset and reduce stress levels caused by life, poor lifestyle, and missing peace. As a Mom…

By Sabrina Moore Sabrina Moore can't explain how she went from knocking on death's door to fighting cancer with no chemo, but she can tell you how she's kept cancer from stifling her life and stealing her joy. Sabrina fully understands the ups and downs of breast cancer journey…
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