I Respect Difference
I Respect Difference

By Dr. Art Fields


Something’s different about third-grade teacher Mrs. Brookings when she returns to school from summer break. Their parents have already been informed, but now Mrs. Brookings’ students are about to discover the difference in their teacher, too.

“I Respect Difference” celebrates our differences and how they make us uniquely powerful. Getting an understanding breeds awareness, with celebration and advocacy tagging along for the ride. Jump between the pages with Mrs. Brookings’ class to find what happens when they learn to love and respect DIFFERENCE.

$9.99 Available Now
The Six Figure Goal GetHER: A Woman’s Guide to Passive Income From Their Passion
The Six Figure Goal GetHER: A Woman’s Guide to Passive Income From Their Passion

By Annette Morris

“One stream of income can’t sustain an individual indefinitely. Neither can it sustain a business forever. The owner must diversify the revenue of the business in order to make it through all seasons.” Author Annette Morris pushes for new entrepreneurs to understand and appreciate this mantra.

In her novel, The Six Figure Goal GetHER: A Woman’s Guide to Passive Income From Their Passion, Mrs. Morris desires to break the trend of struggling entrepreneurship and change the statistics that reflect why many small businesses go out of business within their first three to five years.

This novel teaches entrepreneurs how to generate consistent revenue to sustain for a lifetime. The author describes how she took a non-profit organization and grew it to generating 400K annually after only four years in existence, utilizing the principles she applied from the tips in this book. These strategies to implement various revenue streams are for non-profit and for-profit entities, helping business owners to work smarter and not harder.

$19.99 Available Now
Conquering Co-Parenting: Overcoming Chaos and Stress While Sharing Custody
Conquering Co-Parenting: Overcoming Chaos and Stress While Sharing Custody

By Aleka Melson


Some parents find themselves in situations that they more than likely never envisioned for their lives. Children find themselves feeling as though they have to choose between their parents. Co-parenting can be difficult and chaotic for everyone involved, but author Aleka Melson offers solutions for parents entering the co-parenting world.

In her new novel, Conquering Co-Parenting: Overcoming Chaos and Stress While Sharing Custody, the author offers tips and strategies for parents to reflect on their personal turmoil and work on ways to conquer the unwanted chaos. This book can serve as a tool and positive reinforcement for any parent looking to escape the adverse effects of co-parenting. Ms. Melson offers parents an alternative to toxic co-parenting and presents an opportunity to learn how to conquer the unhealthy statistics of unsuccessful parenting. Also, she advises how to build up confidence and self-esteem, giving your children every advantage for being raised in healthy environments.

“The best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other.” ~ Jane Blaustone

$14.99 Available Now
Survivor’s Remorse: The Healing Power of Faith
Survivor’s Remorse: The Healing Power of Faith

Dr. Arthur Vaughn


Survivor’s Remorse: The Healing Power of Faith provides a courageous and inspiring account of the author’s journey through the intersection of faith and mental health after his 2019 heart transplant. It was his faith that helped Dr. Arthur D. Vaughn face the obstacles in his path and his journey through major depressive disorder.  Dr. Vaughn chronicles the complicated heart transplant process while discussing the role his faith played in his recovery. Although, for him, mental illness was more of a formidable opponent than the actual transplant.

Navigating the pitfalls of mental illness was difficult, but through it all, Dr. Vaughn was able to find his purpose in life. During the recovery process, Dr. Vaughn strengthened his relationship with God, found compassion for the people around him, and developed a deeper understanding for who he is as a person.

Dr. Arthur D. Vaughn is a native New Yorker who currently resides in metro-Atlanta, Georgia. He’s a mental health advocate, educator, and a Georgia Transplant Foundation mentor. During his free time, this golf enthusiast enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with family and friends.

$24.99 Available Now
Pick Up Your Crown
Pick Up Your Crown

By Jessica Simington


Imagine being at war with yourself over what should come so easily to a person––love, trust, and understanding. Jessica Simington’s novel, Pick Up Your Crown, allows Jessica to tell her story about ten years of chaotic relationships, searching for love in all the wrong faces. Jessica decided it was time to make changes in her life, and she did so by being accountable and learning to rely on God to heal her. What Jessica learned in her search for the truth was that her choices were not about her. They were about her absentee father. Jessica began to love herself, ending years of domestic abuse, rejection, and mental abuse. Jessica looks to inspire others to pick up their crown to self-care and encourage them to find their true identity.

$14.99 Available Now
A Leap Of Faith
A Leap Of Faith

By Tam Yvonne


Leilani Jordan is young, gifted, and blessed. Prophetess of a successful ministry in Charlotte, North Carolina, Leilani is still reeling from the death of her husband, who passed away early in their marriage from prostate cancer.

The emotional scars from that event have quelled Leilani’s desire to love or be loved. That is until she meets Floyd Hamilton, who has been hired as the new keyboardist for the church. Mr. Hamilton’s presence has ignited feelings in Leilani that she thought were long dead and buried with her husband.

Leilani questions if this man is God sent, or is he trouble on the horizon? Leilani is conflicted over her faith and the flesh. She prays that God will guide her path to His will. Is she willing to listen to God and take a leap of faith?

$12.99 Available Now
Rediscovering Dad and Discovering Myself: A Journey Through the Impact of Alzheimer’s
Rediscovering Dad and Discovering Myself: A Journey Through the Impact of Alzheimer’s

By Brandon Burke


Brandon Burke grew up not always having the closest relationship with his father. However, as life would have it, his father’s diagnosis of Alzheimer’s in 2015 afforded the opportunity for Brandon not only to become closer to his father but also to become his steadfast caregiver. Through this disease, Brandon has found his passion and inspiration to help others who are in similar situations by sharing his experiences. Brandon tells the story of his relationship with his father growing up, leading up to him being diagnosed, and he hopes to shed some light on a devastating diagnosis and his family history of Alzheimer’s.

“It is my hope that this book will provide a path for Alzheimer’s caregivers to follow so that they will know they are not alone; shed light on the role of caregivers who are often unsung heroes when it comes to serious and/or terminal illnesses; bring more awareness to the world about the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease; and highlight the bond between father and son,” Brandon relates.

Rediscovering Dad & Discovering Myself: A Journey Through the Impact of Alzheimer’s is a compassionate and insightful journey with Brandon Burke, as he comes to understand the immense impact that his father had on his life.


Coming November 2020

$12.99 Available Now
Son, You Matter
Son, You Matter

By Derrick Washington


Meet 7 year old Ahmad. A boy who idealizes his father and loves chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. It’s a special day for him because after school, Ahmad is going for his favorite ice cream with his favorite person. What seems like a normal day changes quickly into one that transforms the way Ahmad views his father, ice cream, and life all in one moment.

$12.99 Available Now
Instinct and Intuition: The Uprise of the Resilient Woman
Instinct and Intuition: The Uprise of the Resilient Woman

By Simply Speaks


Are you looking for a way out, a way in, or a way around? Are you trying to find your purpose for your life? You may be confused by all of these things, but what Simply Speaks wants you to know is that you possess an untapped superpower, a power that will catapult you to your greatest desires. You may have decided the life you yearn for is out of your reach, but Simply is here to tell you that is simply not true.

In her new book, Instinct and Intuition: The Uprise of the Resilient Woman, Simply Speaks offers you the opportunity to take a journey to discover your strengths and rely on your intuition, helping you to become the best version of yourself. An entrepreneur and transformational speaker, Simply inspires women to assert themselves boldly and unapologetically. This book takes a bold and daring approach. Simply Speaks is transparent in telling the raw story of her life and how she overcame the obstacles that almost derailed the dreams and goals she had for herself. She speaks candidly of her abuse at the hands of the very person who was supposed to keep her safe––her kinship care guardian. Simply was kicked out and introduced to the streets of the Bronx, learning to navigate. Determined to survive, she began taking control of her life despite her past.

Simply Speaks provides exercises at the end of each chapter to help you create your personal determination needs assessment. Simply believes it is never too late to readjust your crown!

$19.99 Available Now