The Ageless Athlete
The Ageless Athlete

Athletes aren’t limited to people who play sports. True athletes embrace a fit, athletic lifestyle, training to reach their fullest potential, adding precious years to their lives!

In The Ageless Athlete: How to Stay Fit and Healthy at Any Age, certified wellness coach and trainer blondlocs, shares her astonishing transformation journey through the power of fitness and health. Unleash your own athletic potential as you peruse the pages filled with practical tips, anecdotes, and intimate glimpses into the challenges and triumphs blondlocs overcame on the path to lifelong wellness.

The Ageless Athlete offers workout routines for athletes of any age to follow, as well as nutritious recipes, and a call to action for readers to take control of their health, and live life to the fullest. From beginner-friendly exercises to advanced training techniques, there is something in The Ageless Athlete for everyone.  It’s time to embrace your inner athlete, make the most of every day, and live a life marked by strength, vitality, and lasting fulfillment!


$19.99 Available Now
The Period Posse
The Period Posse

Growing up is hard enough, but as Leigh and her friends are about to discover, things get real when our bodies begin changing!


Realizing that their classmates are just as confused about menstruation as they were before their families helped them understand what it’s all about, Leigh and her friends – Ada, Lena, and Sandi, form The Period Posse, a group to research, support, and educate their peers about the about the journey through menstruation. Together, the young change-makers advocate for improved menstrual education in schools, but when they’re met with challenges from administration, will they give up championing for other girls to embrace the changes in their bodies and raise awareness, or continue fighting for menstrual equality for all?


The Period Posse: Embracing Change and Empowering Others is an inspiring tale of friendship, growth, and the power of young voices to embrace knowledge, break stigmas, and join the movement for positive change!

$15.99 Available Now
Take Courage With You
Take Courage With You

Even when it’s hard, it takes courage to be brave!


In the delightful children’s book – Take Courage with You, The Lion (who represents the courage within all of us), travels with its young companion throughout the pages, teaching young readers that courage isn’t a concept, it’s an action! Through vivid imagery and a heartwarming tale, Take Courage with You inspires readers to trust their instincts, follow their hearts, and let love be their guide. It’s an excellent resource for parents, educators, and childcare providers who want to instill confidence in their children, emphasizing that courage isn’t about being fearless, it’s about facing our fears, even when it gets hard!


$9.89 Available Now
Silently Speaking
Silently Speaking

It’s Not What Happens To You, but What Happens For You!!

Do you struggle with feeling unworthy of love? Have you ever thought that you are not enough? That you “just might have” asked for the abuse given? How many nights have you blamed yourself? Which day of the week do you break down in tears trying to forget? That maybe, if you had done better or given more, your path would have been more enjoyable. Danah Hayes knows all too well what it’s like to live in this painful space. This was her story, but in this book, you will learn how she overcame, was overjoyed, and was overly blessed!

In her book, Silently Speaking: Celebrating A Woman’s Journey from Abuse to Abundance, Self-Discovery and Transformational Coach, mentor, inspirational speaker, and founder and creator of the Evolve into Your Power Method, Danah shares her story of wrestling with the after-effects of abuse, coming face-to-face with the unimaginable, healing through the pain and walking in her greater power through her spiritual awakening. As you read each page, you will learn how to rise above and dismantle deeply ingrained emotional and mental blocks, examine your internal motivations, and align with the desires of your heart so you can embrace your power unapologetically.

So, if you are ready to celebrate the journey, this book is for you!


$25.00 Available Now
Through Her Eyes
Through Her Eyes

Dr. Arthur Vaughn shares the story of his family’s journey from enslavement all the way through the Great Migration—the period when 6 million formerly-enslaved people journeyed North from the Antebellum-era South. He shares stories his grandmother Rosa Mae Woodall told him over the course of her life though conversation and letters. Using historical records and detailed research, he offers a compelling tale of his maternal family through the perspective of the women who lived it.The story begins with his earliest known ancestor, Katy Dawkins, who was born in 1802 in Virginia and later sold to a southern enslaver in South Carolina. Next, Grandma Rosa Mae Woodall shows us what life was like for a woman who looked after her siblings when her mother passed, lived through the Great Depression, and ran her own business in the 1950’s. In great historical detail, Vaughn uncovers the harsh realities women experienced during plantation life as well as the realities of Jim Crow and the segregated North after the Civil War.Dr. Vaughn does a marvelous job accurately portraying the thoughts and emotions felt throughout this over 100-year family journey that set the foundation for generations to come. Through Her Eyes takes the historical context we skimmed over in school and hones in on the internal struggles and personal achievements of real people who lived through slavery and antebellum times. Vaughn’s passion and attention to detail make this a must read for anyone interested in visiting a foundational time in our history.

$14.99 Available Now
Leave a Trail of Glitter
Leave a Trail of Glitter

Historically for centuries, women and especially enterprising women in business and entrepreneurship have not been seen. Women have been excluded from leadership roles especially in business, commerce and entrepreneurship. Women have had to dull their shine so others would feel good about themselves. Women have been made to feel less worthy, so someone else (usually male counterparts) could feel worthy. Women have been held back because of the fear they would outshine others. In business and in corporate America, so often our gender and the color of our skin (for Black and brown women) has been a source of contention and a stumbling block. Today, women are the fastest growing demographic of new businesses, yet we have so far to go. Women are embarking on entrepreneurship in record numbers because we are tired of being told what we can and cannot accomplish, what to do; how to do it and when. We are tired of working 10 times harder for a fraction of the pay. We are tired of being tired and feeling unworthy.

The purpose of this book is threefold. Firstly, it is to acknowledge God as our guide and the creator, founder and CEO of any business or entrepreneurial journey we embark on. He is the creator of the business plan and the standard operating procedures. He is the one that gives us purpose. He sends us the resources and he illuminate our path. Secondly, it is to shout from the rooftops that the tide is turning. No longer will we feel inadequate, that we are not enough or that we don’t deserve everything we have worked to achieve. No longer will we allow our past mistakes to dictate our future successes. Not only have we earned it, but we deserve it and we down right DEMAND the respect and honor we are due! Thirdly, we hope to leave our trail of sparkle and shine in an illuminated path of glitter for the next generation of women in business to follow as they spring forth, create and blaze their own trails. If there is one thing, we hope you take away from this compilation it is, wherever you go, whatever you do…leave a trail of glitter for those who will come behind you! We were all born with a little glitter inside of us. Some of us just haven’t begun to sprinkle it yet.

$19.99 Available Now
After I Do, Before Happily Ever After, & Everything In Between
After I Do, Before Happily Ever After, & Everything In Between

Many wonder what REALLY happens after “I do” …but before “happily ever after…” Well, the simple answer is…A LOT! With divorce rates at an all-time high and in a new generation of marriage, convenience seems to be superseding the covenant of marriage and the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the epidemic of divorce. Noble and Kim have realized there needs to be a revolution of saving marriages and have declared war on divorce. The only way to truly be a soldier and win in this war, is the candid transparency these authors bring to this work and the sharing of their own trials, tribulations and triumphs. Noble and Kim have chosen to open the book to their life and “air their dirty laundry” with hopes that their tests prove to be a testimony to someone else’s marriage. Marriage is often depicted as “hard work,” but when you plug in to the power of God, it does not have to be.

Throughout this book, Noble & Kim will share with readers real life tests they have gone through along with the biblical truths and faith principles they have stood on to face these challenges. They will also guide the reader through reflection and introspection exercises and prayer. The authors share what they have learned through working God’s promises for marriage, relationships and family to continue the path to Happily Ever After. This book does not promise to solve all marital problems plaguing couples but does promise to shed light on and share how you can make a conscious choice daily to choose one another through all of life’s obstacles.

$9.99 Available Now
The Art of War on Divorce: Real Couples, Real Stories
The Art of War on Divorce: Real Couples, Real Stories

Aligning with their chart-topping War on Divorce: Sunday Morning Sex series, stories, and lessons from successful couples, Noble S. Evans & Dr. Kim Carter Evans outline lessons they have learned while going to war for their relationship and marriage. Noble & Kim, along with the contributing authors examine why some marriages triumph, while others crumble.
Marriage can be a fight for survival. It is God, you and your spouse against the world. In marriage, as in war, couples match their wills in pursuit of triumph over all opposing external forces. As couples, you must be intentional and devise
strategies, and marshal resources for victory in your marriage. Noble & Kim, affectionately known as “the Marriage Doctors” masterfully frame some of the biggest marital rivalries (extended family, infidelity, work obsession, generational curses, money management, childhood trauma, health scares, etc.) and offer insights and pragmatic advice to navigate each of these oppositions. Each rivalry examined tells a story of combined wits, real life lessons to go to war for your relationship and marriage and win the War on Divorce.

Noble & Kim are joined in this compilation by “real” couples who are winning not only everyday battles, but also winning the war on divorce through proven strategies. This compilation chronicles the battles these couples have gone through and have overcome in order to emerge victorious in their marriages. The powerful stories in The Art of War On Divorce are unveiling and insightful, but the lessons we draw from them about determination, ingenuity, patience, grit, subtlety, and other traits that contribute to a victorious marriage are invaluable.

$9.99 Available Now
Do You Know What I’m Thinking??
Do You Know What I’m Thinking??

Do You Know What I’m Thinking: A Collection of Poems & Short Stories From the Modern Man – is a culmination of poems and short stories written by a different me, at various points and situations throughout my life and conversations with other contemporary peers. I take you on a journey of Love, Loss, Pleasure, Pain and my many insights. In all humility, if you are seeking poetic mastery, you won’t find it here, what you will find is Poetic Vulnerability, honesty and my truth.

$9.99 Available Now